About Discover Downtown Washington
Our purpose is to create a vision for success in downtown Washington that is rooted in solid understanding of the market realities of the district and is informed by broad community engagement. We will identify key strategies that will provide a clear sense of priorities and direction for revitalizing downtown Washington, while demonstrating visible results and meaningful change.

Discover Downtown Washington, Inc. is a non-profit organization created to lead the city’s efforts to invigorate their historic downtown. Following the framework of the Main Street Approach, the new organization will be responsible for establishing and implementing a vision for downtown Washington through four key strategies, known as Community Transformation Strategies, popularized by the National Main Street Center and the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs’ (OCRA) Indiana Main Street Program: Economic Vitality, Promotion, Design and Organization, also known as the Main Street Four Points.
Our Board
Get to know the faces behind Discover Downtown Washington

Cindy Barber
Chair: Organization

Greg Deaves
Vice President

Nicole Stahl-Troutman